This life sized welded recycled metal figure sculpture is titled "Into The Wind". The figure of the sculpture is constructed from hundreds of industrial up-cycled metal parts. It is bolted to the sculpture base with large bolts from underneath.
The sculpture is posed leaning at a 45 degree angle to the ground. What inspired me to sculpt this pose was the idea of a man battling a strong wind. I wanted it to give the feeling that the wind was so strong that the metal man is almost being blown away but somehow he is barely hanging in there.
Metaphorically sometimes things can get a little challenging in life. It might be business, relationships, money, bad weather, politics or whatever. sometimes we feel like we are in a place of transition and we need to just hang in until things settle down. By holding onto the excitement and vision of our dreams and not giving up we win. we This sculpture represents what it takes to make great things happen. How it sometimes seems impossible but when we look back we are glad we leaned into the wind and held our ground.
"Into The Wind" won Honorable mention award in the Cloverdale sculpture trail outdoor juried sculpture exhibition in 2016.
The sculpture is posed leaning at a 45 degree angle to the ground. What inspired me to sculpt this pose was the idea of a man battling a strong wind. I wanted it to give the feeling that the wind was so strong that the metal man is almost being blown away but somehow he is barely hanging in there.
Metaphorically sometimes things can get a little challenging in life. It might be business, relationships, money, bad weather, politics or whatever. sometimes we feel like we are in a place of transition and we need to just hang in until things settle down. By holding onto the excitement and vision of our dreams and not giving up we win. we This sculpture represents what it takes to make great things happen. How it sometimes seems impossible but when we look back we are glad we leaned into the wind and held our ground.
"Into The Wind" won Honorable mention award in the Cloverdale sculpture trail outdoor juried sculpture exhibition in 2016.